Custom Washer

Custom Washer

We provide washer production compatible with technical drawing and spesifications having an outer diameter between 13mm and 250mm. According to our clients' demands, we produce washers from high quality materials and test them delicately. We provide quick and effective solutions with our wide range of products and flexible production process. Each of our products are designed and produced delicately to meet our clients' expectations.

As your trusted business partner, we are at your service with us valuing customer satisfaction and product quality.

Custom Washer Technical Properties

Technical properties of custom sized washers are defiend by buyer.

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Custom Washer Technical Properties


Technical properties of custom sized washers are defiend by buyer.

Density Table

Density table in units of g/cm³

  • Carbon Steel: 7.85
  • Stainless Steel: 8.1
  • Stainless Steel: 7.95
  • Stainless Steel: 7.7
  • Titanium Alloy: 4.5
  • Aluminum Alloy: 2.8
  • Copper: 8.89

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