OHS Policy

Ocupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Environment Policy

Our firm has set an OHS and environment policy in order to preserve our employees' health and safety, embrace operating environmentally friendly and create a sustainable working model. This policy, includes each and every of our employees, contractors and fields that our firm operates.

OSH Commitments

  • To adapt OSH standards and to literally orient ourselves to every requirements.
  • To organize regular OSH courses for our employees and raise awareness.
  • To embrace reform policies in order to reduce work accidets and occupational diseases to minimum.
  • To increase our emergency response capacity by ogranizing emergency plans and drills.

Environment Policy Commitments

  • To maintain our firm's operations environmentally friendly and to make use of the energy and resources effectively.
  • To decrease the waste, encourage recycle and support the usage of sustainable material.
  • To observe, measure and evaluate our envorinmental performance regularly.
  • To literally adapt environmental legislations and standards.

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Density Table

Density table in units of g/cm³

  • Carbon Steel: 7.85
  • Stainless Steel: 8.1
  • Stainless Steel: 7.95
  • Stainless Steel: 7.7
  • Titanium Alloy: 4.5
  • Aluminum Alloy: 2.8
  • Copper: 8.89

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