We have officially launched our Preventive Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) activities .

We have officially launched our Preventive Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) activities .

Through these services, our primary goal is to create a safe and healthy working environment, ensuring the highest level of protection for the health and safety of our employees. With preventive OHS activities, we aim to identify risks in advance, conduct thorough analyses, and implement necessary precautions to prevent potential workplace accidents and occupational diseases. In line with our continuous improvement policy, we fully comply with legal regulations, prioritize the safety of our employees, and strive to create a healthier work environment. By fostering a culture of safety, we are committed to ensuring a safer and more productive workplace.

Bu kapsamda, sürekli iyileştirme politikamız doğrultusunda, yasal düzenlemelere tam uyum sağlayarak çalışanlarımızın güvenliğini önceliklendiriyor ve sağlıklı bir iş ortamı oluşturmak için çalışmalarımızı sürdürüyoruz. İş güvenliği kültürünü yaygınlaştırarak, daha güvenli ve verimli bir çalışma ortamı sağlamayı taahhüt ediyoruz.

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Density Table

Density table in units of g/cm³

  • Carbon Steel: 7.85
  • Stainless Steel: 8.1
  • Stainless Steel: 7.95
  • Stainless Steel: 7.7
  • Titanium Alloy: 4.5
  • Aluminum Alloy: 2.8
  • Copper: 8.89

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